Andrew Garfield is an artist who selects his projects as if he’s planting a garden. He always ensures the script has just enough seeds and with his admirable passion he will nurture the character he is playing, he’ll water it not too little and not too much but just right. I had the unforeseen privilege of meeting him last year in May. I had traveled to New York to see Angels In America. It’s a very long production and it is split into two separate performances. I saw Part 1 on a Thursday and Part 2 on a Friday, which was great because after Part 1, I could not wait to get back to the Neil Simon Theater to see Andrew again perform in the role as Prior Walter. As expected, Andrew went above and beyond every single expectation I predicted in his performance. He truly possessed Prior Walter and never left his body as soon as he entered it. I was overwhelmingly in awe after the first half.
My family and I then went out to dinner to meet up with my dear friend, Jimmy Demers. I knew that Jimmy was very good friends with Andrew as that’s how we came to see the show. I never imagined I’d end up meeting him, but I did. We were in the middle of dinner when Andrew came over. I physically could not move or speak. I was completely paralyzed in shock. He hugged Jimmy, my parents, my brother and myself. He expressed how happy he was that we came to see the show and that we were so inspired by it. He was so kind and gracious! We were further inspired at the second night’s show after which, we all were invited to Andrew’s dressing room where we had a very nice conversation and got to know each other a bit more. I was thrilled to share with him how much I loved the show and his performance.
Andrew, getting to meet you was an experience I’ve treasured every day and I will always treasure. You are a very caring, gentle, sensitive and kind individual. You brighten up the worlds of everyone you come across and your true genuine nature is an example to us all. You have a sincere and unique form of politeness that is not of the past or the present but hopefully, the future.
You are also unbelievably talented and I have enjoyed your work for years. From your beautiful depth in The Social Network to your dark gravity in 99 Homes and so on, you continue to thrive exceptionally in every project that reaches your grasp. Your talent is very much like a slippery bar of soap. If most people try to hold it, it’ll instantly slip from their reach. You hold it and it rests gently in your nurturing hands. You were born to be an artist and what a beautiful artist, you’ve become. I am so very proud of you and I wish you endless congratulations on all your success and I truly look forward to seeing your future works.
Thank You again, for your contributions to cinema, the craft of acting and my personal highlight of 2018. You truly are the gatekeeper of kindness. As soon as you got your keys, you’ve opened the gate and it’s been standing open ever since.